Can smokers quit smoking?

Every heavy smoker has a wish to quit smoking cigarettes especially when he knows that smoke terribly affect their health. Cigarette smoking is the only high risk factor for several illnesses. Most Smokers yearn to quit smoking for years before they can finally break free from habit. If you too want to stop smoking, employ Cig- Arette stop smoking program. It triples the chance of quitting smoking. Additionally you are required to undertake some guidelines and tips to carry your self through the end of smoking.

Guidelines for quit smoking :

If you really wish to quit smoking, the first thing you have to understand is the reason for which you want to quit. Firstly search your soul and determine the reason for quit smoking. When you have written down all the reasons on a piece of paper then stick it in your bedroom wall so that you can read them frequently.

Secondly, determine a date from which you will totally quit smoking, and mark that date on the calendar.

Tell your friends and family that you are going to quit smoking. Ask for their support or join a support club. Ask friends and family members not to smoke around you. Always avoid situations where you will crave for a cigarette. Go for a long walk, go for a swim or busy your self in any form of exercise. It will keep your mind fresh and will divert your mind from smoking to relieve mental pressures.

Some people put on weight after quitting smoking. You need not to get panic if you gain or lose weight; you just take healthy and balance diet. Another basic thing you can do for quitting smoking easily is drink lots of water. If you keep all these things in your mind and employ Cig-Arette smoking cessation program then, you will be definitely mentally and physically ready for quitting smoking. Every body knows that quit smoking is not a child's play, but if you have a will you can do it.

Benefits of quitting Smoking :

By quitting smoking you will notice that in just about 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse will return to their normal levels. Further nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood will get reduced by half and the level of oxygen will return to normal. After 24 hours of quitting, carbon monoxide will be eliminated from your body. After 49 hours, your taste and smell will get improved. In 72 hours you'll be able to breath a lot easier, and in 2nd week your blood circulation will get improved, You will further notice the absence of coughing, wheezing and spitting after 4 weeks. Besides this you will minimize the chances of heart attack by half after 4 years of quitting.

Smoking and Chinese Astrology

It seems that smoking and Chinese Astrology do not mix. However, if we take a closer look, there is relation between them. From Chinese Astrology point of view, there is explanation why some smokers get cancers and why some long term smokers do not get any sickness at all. Why some long term smokers do not easily get any sickness despite medical research proof that smoking is hazard to health? Cigarettes contain over 4,000 ingredients other than tobacco and cigarette smoke contains 69 carcinogens. To name a few:

Nicotine - a fast-acting drug that makes smokers crave cigarettes Carbon monoxide - a poisonous gas that reduces oxygen in the blood stream causing breathing problems Tar - a sticky black residue made up of thousands of chemicals that stays in the smoker's lungs and causes cancer.

To explain why some smokers get cancers easily, especially respiratory system cancers (Lung, Nose, throat and so on), we need to look at the basic principles of the Chinese Astrology. The basic principles of the Chinese Astrology are the Yin, Yang and Five elements theory.

The Yin, Yang is the relationship of any substance or phenomenon. Yin is negative and Yang is positive. For example, there are Male (Yang) versus Female (Yin), Day (Yang) versus night (Yin), Bright (Yang) versus Dark (Yin) and so on.

Five elements are characteristic of matters. There are five different groups: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire.

There are enhance cycle and conquer cycle.

Enhance cycle increases the strength of a particular element. Conquer cycle reduces or weakens the strength of a particular element.

In Chinese astrology, metal element represents the metal part of our body, the Lungs, Throat and the respiratory system.

Cigarette is made of tobacco leaf. It is the wood element. When smoking a cigarette is lit and burnt. Wood enhances fire and fire conquers metal. (Metal melts under high temperature)

Fire burns the respiratory systems (metal).

Each person was born with a particular element. It can be strong or weak wood, strong or weak water, strong or weak metal, strong or weak earth, strong or weak fire.

If a person was born with weak metal, then fire can conquer metal. This person if smoke will be easily getting cancers. On other hand, if a person was born with strong metal, then smoking will not be too much of harm to his respiratory system.

So a person with weak metal, smoking will kill him.

When I am writing this article I remember sometimes ago there was news about a Tasmania Premier: James Becon (15th May 1950 to Jun 2004). He was only 54 years when he died of lung cancer.

I looked up his birthday data. He was born on the 15th May 1950. 15th of May was a metal day in Snake (fire) month. He was a weak metal. He was a smoker for over thirty years. More interestingly he was died in June (Fire Month) and fire day. Spooky!! I reckon if he would have quitted smoking, he would be still alive today!

There are a few things we learn from this case. 1. People with weak metal when becoming a smoke is easily get cancer. 2. The Chinese calendar system, the heavenly stem and earthly branch can also applied to people born in south hemisphere. 3. People with weak metal better quit smoking.

Smoking Cigarettes Is One Of The Top Killers In America

All across the united states there is millions of people that continue to light up each day. With all the latest tax increases that have been put on a pack of cigarettes you would think that people would wake up to the facts about smoking. It is no doubt the leading cause of death when you look at the overall picture of the different ways that it can kill you. Millions of people that smoke cigarettes are aware of the diseases caused by smoking tobacco, but even knowing that this is a deadly killer people just can not seem to break the habit.

One of the diseases that is caused by smoking cigarettes is heart disease and you only have one heart that pumps blood throughout the body. This organ is what keeps you alive, but why do people continue to smoke when they know that it will destroy not only their heart, but their lungs as well. With literally thousands of people waiting on a heart transplant list to keep them alive, the chances of them getting one is pretty much slim to none. Smoking cigarettes also causes the break down of the blood veins throughout your body. Your blood vessels are what keeps you alive too when the heart pumps blood through the vessels in your body it can not push blood through something that is stopped up or broken down.

The blood vessels throughout the body become restricted from years of smoking cigarettes and this is not something any smoker wants to think about. They become like a piece of spaghetti that has been boiled on the stove after years of smoking and the heart trying to pump blood through them difficult for the heart to do. There is another thing that smoking cigarettes can affect and all smokers can answer this one, it is called lung disease. This may be the nastiest of all the diseases caused by smoking cigarettes and if you have been lighting up for years, you are a carrier of this one, it is just a matter of how bad it is. These are many diseases that come from smoking cigarettes, but the ones that are mentioned are some of the leading causes of death today. So, if you are still lighting up everyday then you may want to contact your doctor and see some real pictures of what this killer is really capable of. Do not become another statistic of cigarette smoking. Stop smoking now and reduce your chances of dying this way.

Get Rid of Smokers Cough with a Simple Lungs Cleaning Technique

Clean Out Cigarette Tar with an Easy Lungs Cleaning Solution

By now, most everyone irealizes that smoking is not good for your health, but why is smoking bad for the lungs? The answer is actually very simple Each time you take a puff on your smoke, your lungs fill with tar, nicotine, and toxic chemicals contained with the cigarette. This is just one of the reasons why you have to do a good lungs cleaning.

Unfortunately, when you exhale, much of those toxins remain in your lungs. In fact, more than 60 percent of these toxins stay in your lungs after you exhale. And over a period of time, this toxic crap begins to build up inside your lungs. And this is an additional reason why good lungs cleaning process will benefit your health.

Smoking wouldn't be a problem if you only smoked a cigarette once in a while. Many people smoke one cigarette after another. And that is where the problem lies. In a healthy set of lungs, tiny hair like appendages called cilia continually sweep the bad stuff out. But smoking can cripple the cilia. When a sufficient number of cilia are impaired, the lungs no longer have the ability to clean themselves. And this is the biggest reason why smoking is bad for the lungs.

And when a sufficient number of the cilia are impaired, they can no longer do the job they were intended to do and clean the lungs, toxins build up in your lungs at a much faster rate. In an attempt to clean the lungs, you body's second line of defense takes over. When this happens, you develop a smokers cough. A smokers cough is another method that your body uses to clean out the lungs when the cilia cannot do the job efficiently. So, if you smoke heavily, you almost certainly need a lungs cleaning.

Of course, I could go on and on, but I don't want to belabor the point. By now, you realize that there are many reasons why smoking is bad for the lungs, but I'll stop there and leave it at that.

So, how can you reverse the process and get a good lungs cleaning to rinse out these toxins? If you quit smoking now, your lungs may be able to clean themselves, but it would take them 15 to 20 years (if you live that long). But there is an easier lungs cleaning procedure that can do the job much faster. In fact, this technique can clean your lungs fifteen or twenty times faster than your body can do it naturally.

And, as an added benefit, this technique does not need to be done by a medical doctor and you can do it in the privacy of your home. So now that you know why smoking is bad for the lungs, you realize how important it is and that you need to do something good for your health and clean your lungs. Get all the details on this easy, painless procedure and find out Clean Your Lungs!

Top Health Benefits of quitting smoking

You acknowledge you should not smoke, even then what incisively are the benefits of ceasing smoking? Instead of quit since you feel shamed about what you are performing to your body and your money, how come not quit since of the goodness it is going to do to you and those around you?

Let's list a couple of of the avid matters that are dying to happen to you, if you cease smoking right at once.

* You will boil down your chance of stroke. Subsequently five years of not smoking, your chance of stroke will comprise basically the same as that of a non-smoker. * Your risk of acquiring various cancers of the throat and mouth will decrement. In 5 years, they'll comprise one-half that of a smoker's.

* After just one year of ceasing, your chance of coronary thrombosis heart condition are brought down by one-half, and is closely to that of person who's ne'er smoked.

* Your risk of acquiring chronic obstructive pulmonary illness is brought down.

* Your risk of acquiring lung cancer is brought down. After 10 years, it drops almost to half that of a smoker.

* Ulcers are less likely.

* Your chance of bladder cancer is halved in exclusively a couple of years of ceasing.

* Peripheral artery disease (the same matter that comes about to your heart, occurs in the rest of your body) is brought down.

* Your risk of acquiring cervical cancer is brought down only a couple of years after ceasing.

* Your risk of giving a low-birth-weight infant cuts down to normal if you do not smoke on pregnancy.

These are large causes to cease right at once!

Surely, several of this stuff comes about in the future, even then your promising future is ne'er going to come unless you quit.

Now that you are thinking of ceasing, you may prefer to think of a program to assist you quit. Among the reasons I have established this article is to accumulate whole of the data that I have learned about ceasing in one place in order other people may apply it.

Now that you finally know what the benefits of quitting smoking are ,please go ahead and use this as a inspiration ,to go ahead and quit smoking , thanks for visiting this article

Whatsoever you do, please quit! It's your own responsibily to quit ,you owe it to yourself and those who love you to quit smoking

Quit Smoking - the Addiction and the Habit

If you want to quit smoking then there are two main obstacles that you will have to face and overcome. Firstly there is the physical addition you will have developed to nicotine over time. Secondly there is the actual habit of smoking itself. We are all individuals and we react to all kinds of situations in different ways but for me it was the habit that was the hardest to break.

I quit back in 2003 and I remember getting over the physical addiction quite quickly. It's been a while but if I remember correctly it only took about a couple of weeks. It was the habit that I found really tough to shake. It was about six full months after I'd stopped smoking and I was still patting my pockets to make sure I'd got my cigarettes with me when I left the house. I would be sitting at my PC and without even thinking about it, I'd reach out for a cigarette.

Some people may say that this behaviour is all part of the physical addiction but I don't define it in this way. My physical cravings for tobacco had long since disappeared. I was no longer on edge and I really didn't feel the need to smoke. On the other hand I was still going through the motions of a smoker. This was understandable because I'd been smoking for well over twenty years and was used to having a cigarette in my hand. This is the reason why I define this aspect as habit.

There is no getting away from the fact that if you make the decision to quit then it's going to be tough whether it's the addiction that you find hard to break or the habit. Just keep focusing on the benefits and keep on the right path. In time you'll look back on the day you stopped and it will rank way up there as one of the best days of your life.


Quit smoking system- Employ the best one possible!

Lots of advancements are getting introduced to quit smoking. Smoking has become of the biggest evil to human health that its addiction can severely damage one's health. However the good news is that there are few good treatment options available for quit smoking. One such method is laser treatment. Often people are scared of going for laser treatment as that is first of all costly and may pose adverse after effects later on. But still laser treatment is considered to be one of the effective smoking cessation methods. This method has been evolved recently and is a modern and innovative method.

This method is based on a simple and easy principle. It is known to everyone that certain point in human body is nerve centers and they can lead to changes in the body. The same point is also applicable in other techniques like acupuncture, shiatsu, reflexology and many more. If you apply some pressure on those points in the body then you can receive predictable results. This same procedure is applied in stop smoking laser treatment.

How stop smoking laser system works?

In this system a low intensity laser beam is applied to those particular points in your body. As a result it will eliminate the nicotine craving effect that is often attached with quit smoking after effects. In this way you can proceed with the quit smoking process by disallowing nicotine carving effects.

People say that nicotine cravings can be eliminated naturally. This is true but only in few cases where the will power of few people is exceptional. Laser treatment goes along with behavioral therapy which eliminates psychological aspects of addiction. In short the laser helps in kicking the nicotine addiction which is the sole reason behind continuing smoking habit in all individuals.

This treatment is considered to be safe and free from side effects however few people have recorded some side effects too. Apart from this treatment you can also go for non-surgical methods which have also gain immense popularity in treating smoking habit. One such good method is Cig-arette stop smoking program. Several programs are available in the market but all are inferior to this. This system contains natural ingredients and does not test the patience of the smoker.

Cig-arette stop smoking program is best known for giving positive results within few weeks making smoker to quit this addictive habit permanently by giving him power to cope up with the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. You can buy this system online from a credible online company which enjoys healthy reviews and opinions on the internet. So the choice is yours, whether you want to go for laser stop smoking treatment or want to employ cig-arette stop smoking program which is free from any side effect.