Smoking and Chinese Astrology

It seems that smoking and Chinese Astrology do not mix. However, if we take a closer look, there is relation between them. From Chinese Astrology point of view, there is explanation why some smokers get cancers and why some long term smokers do not get any sickness at all. Why some long term smokers do not easily get any sickness despite medical research proof that smoking is hazard to health? Cigarettes contain over 4,000 ingredients other than tobacco and cigarette smoke contains 69 carcinogens. To name a few:

Nicotine - a fast-acting drug that makes smokers crave cigarettes Carbon monoxide - a poisonous gas that reduces oxygen in the blood stream causing breathing problems Tar - a sticky black residue made up of thousands of chemicals that stays in the smoker's lungs and causes cancer.

To explain why some smokers get cancers easily, especially respiratory system cancers (Lung, Nose, throat and so on), we need to look at the basic principles of the Chinese Astrology. The basic principles of the Chinese Astrology are the Yin, Yang and Five elements theory.

The Yin, Yang is the relationship of any substance or phenomenon. Yin is negative and Yang is positive. For example, there are Male (Yang) versus Female (Yin), Day (Yang) versus night (Yin), Bright (Yang) versus Dark (Yin) and so on.

Five elements are characteristic of matters. There are five different groups: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire.

There are enhance cycle and conquer cycle.

Enhance cycle increases the strength of a particular element. Conquer cycle reduces or weakens the strength of a particular element.

In Chinese astrology, metal element represents the metal part of our body, the Lungs, Throat and the respiratory system.

Cigarette is made of tobacco leaf. It is the wood element. When smoking a cigarette is lit and burnt. Wood enhances fire and fire conquers metal. (Metal melts under high temperature)

Fire burns the respiratory systems (metal).

Each person was born with a particular element. It can be strong or weak wood, strong or weak water, strong or weak metal, strong or weak earth, strong or weak fire.

If a person was born with weak metal, then fire can conquer metal. This person if smoke will be easily getting cancers. On other hand, if a person was born with strong metal, then smoking will not be too much of harm to his respiratory system.

So a person with weak metal, smoking will kill him.

When I am writing this article I remember sometimes ago there was news about a Tasmania Premier: James Becon (15th May 1950 to Jun 2004). He was only 54 years when he died of lung cancer.

I looked up his birthday data. He was born on the 15th May 1950. 15th of May was a metal day in Snake (fire) month. He was a weak metal. He was a smoker for over thirty years. More interestingly he was died in June (Fire Month) and fire day. Spooky!! I reckon if he would have quitted smoking, he would be still alive today!

There are a few things we learn from this case. 1. People with weak metal when becoming a smoke is easily get cancer. 2. The Chinese calendar system, the heavenly stem and earthly branch can also applied to people born in south hemisphere. 3. People with weak metal better quit smoking.


  1. Hi Jim, Please state where you get the article from if you quoting my article next time.

  2. HI Jim, Please state the above article is copied from my site.

    Thank you.

  3. If you don't acknowledge where this article come from, I will complaint it to Blogspot.

  4. I was born under the sign of the bore and my element is wood (yin). I am a smoker, should i not smoke? Tobacco is defined as the element wood in chinese astrology and since my element is wood is that good or bad?
